Monday, December 10, 2007


So I've been thinking a lot lately about unity in Christ

It can either be easy or hard

easy if EVERYONE on your team has Christ in the center of their goals and plans, and hard if they don't.

So in the end, you can tell yourself that it's really because we all have different personalities because that's just the way God made us, but I think that's a lot of crap I told myself to make it all okay. In truth, I think that it's more about Christ, and all being on th same page in how we're serving Him. Because, after all, if the group's purpose is to serve Christ together as a team, and that clearly isn't bearing any fruit then something has to be off.

But what can you do to encourage unity?
You obviously cannot put Christ in the center of other peoples' lives for them, that has to be something between them and their Creator. You could hold a person accountable, but what if they don't listen? Then maybe the just don't belong in the group at all? I think it's part of being "the weakest link", if you're not serving the group's purpose (i.e. glorifying God and NOT yourself) then why are you even in the group to begin with?

Leadership can be tricky sometimes.
Actually all the time,
learning the right balance of strength and mercy
firmness and tenderness

I guess at the end I am left asking myself:
What would Jesus do?

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