Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Girls

So, this semester I have the honor of co-leading a bible study with my wonderful, beautiful friend, Lauren :) It's so special because last year, when she was a freshman, I mentored or discipled Lauren and walked alongside her and shared life with her. She was sort of like my little sister or my daughter; I wanted to protect her and help her discover what full life in the Lord looked like. It is so wonderful because this semester Lauren has gotten to step up and lead a bible study with me and she is now meeting with her own freshman little sister/ daughter (my granddaughter!). We have four amazing freshmen girls in our bible study this year, Lauren has started walking alongside of one and I have been meeting with the other three. I cannot tell you how much I have been blessed by these five women that God has put me with, they totally rock my world and encourage me me so much. They essentially are my ministry, my little family that I have started, and it has been such a beautiful thing to share life with these girls and to have fellowship and community with them.

So anyways...here they are, in case you want faces to go with names:

This is Lauren, my friend and now my teammate. It has been absolutely remarkable watching this girl grow and discover who she is in Jesus. She is most def one of the most beautiful people I know and I am totally stoked to see her become the leader and the servant I know that she is. I think one my favorite things about Lauren (among the long list of my favorite things) is her spirit of honesty and openness. I have truly been blessed by Lauren's willingness to talk about tough things and to look at situations through an honest lens. Such a blessing!

As for the newbies, in no particular order, they are:

This is Hannah. She is super cute. Hannah is Lauren's person and my (sort of) granddaughter. Hannah is a fellow Smallville lover (well, in her case, a fanatic) so you already know that she's amazing. She is a super fun, super beautiful girl who is a joy to be around. I love her heart for the nations (especially Africa) and I am excited to indirectly (through Lauren) and directly (though our bible study and the times we get to hang out) help her to figure out how to serve the Lord and influence people here before God sends her out over seas to touch the people there.

This is Haley. She has a huge heart for other people. She loves being with other people and knowing what's going on in their lives, it's so fun just to hear her talk about her friends and the people she influences on a day to day basis because she is so intentional in the way she loves other and the way she loves me. I think that the Lord has such big plans for her with her compassion and willingness to share her life with other people and I'm excited to walk with her through it all. God is already stirring things up with her friends, it's so fun!

This is Melissa. She is a huge ball of energy! I wish that I had her spunk and her enthusiasm about life, people, events-- pretty much everything gets this girl excited and it is so much fun to just be around her and feel that excitement with her. She is always hilarious and such a positive person to be around, there are not many people like her at Tech. Getting know Melissa has been such a treasure and getting to be with her as she's transitioning into college.I love her so much!

This is Kayla. Kayla is great, the first word she picked to describe herself was that she was a "thinker" and it is so true! Kayla is like a sponge, she likes to sit and absorb everything that's going on in her life and with the people around her. She likes to collect wisdom wherever she goes, and because of that she is very wise for somebody so young. But I am very excited about what God is going to teach her and the ways He is going to mold her during her season in college.

Anyways, so these are my girls. They're pretty great and I love hanging out with them so much!

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