So I don't know how many of you all know this, but I turned six years old this week. and it's a really exciting time for me because it marks the day that I decided to die and become a new creation in Christ. I've been walking with Jesus for six years. That's incredible to me. Around my anniversary every year I always do a lot of reflecting (well...a lot ore than usual) about where God has brought me and everything that he has led me through. It's pretty awesome to look back and see just how much God has had is hand in everything that has happened.
I drew the picture above a couple of weeks before I started college. I had been really nervous about starting school soon and I was praying and thinking a lot about it, and throughout the week God had reminded me about all sorts of things that I had been anxious about before and yet He had led me through them, and it was like he was gently (and rhetorically) asking me why this time would be any different. So I decided to express this revelation. I think it's a pretty good way to remember the peace God offers and a good illustration as I reflect over my walk.
I guess I would just encourage you to reflect over the places God has taken you, the obstacles you've overcome, and even his goodness amidst your failures and shortcomings. It's a pretty powerful thing to have stored in your memory because sometimes I get really worried or fearful of something but I remember God's faithfulness to me in the past and that knowledge makes it easier for me to trust in the sovereignty of His plans...which comes with a sense of peace.
The way God works is so beautiful to me. I wish that I could see it happening more often instead of realizing it in hindsight. I also think it's really cool how Jesus never makes us the promise that following Him will be easy (which it's not) but it's totally worth it to experience the life God designed for us to live.
Living in Christ is definitely an adventure...but I wouldn't have life any other way :)