SO last weekend my sister, my mother, and I went to South Carolina because last Friday my great aunt Joyce passed away and we were going with my aunt Julie, cousin Jessica, and my grandparents to attend her funeral.
Joyce was a wonderful person. I often talked to her during the summer when I was sending out support letters, she would always call to find out more information so she could be praying for me. She was always supportive of everything I did for the Kingdom even though I was her sister's grandchild and not her own. When my mom told me that she was very sick and would probably pass away in a week or two I was very sad for Wofford (her husband). They had been married for 61 years! 61 years!....61 years! That is so awesome. I had the pleasure of Wofford telling me the story of how the two of them met, it wasn't a terribly romantic situation but I could see God's hand in all of it, which made it very beautiful. It is sort of scary to think that they got married when they were 17 (a year younger than me), but still. I was also sad for Mimi (my grandmother, Joyce's sister). It must be strange to lose a sibling, especially if you're relatively close in age.
But mostly I was happy. I didn't feel like crying at her funeral. I am terribly joyful that she is, right now, being married to God. It makes me laugh when I think about how she has shed her worn out, cancer-filled body...and has been given a new one to last forever. I can see her dancing or running or laughing. Perfect. Beautiful. Complete. I cannot even bring myself to be sad.
One neat thing that she requested to have at her funeral was an evangelical outreach. SO the pastor got up and started telling us all about Christ's love, and then asked if anyone would like to receive Christ (we had our heads bowed so I don't know if anyone did). But I thought that it was so neat that Joyce chose to continue ministering to others even at her own funeral. But I guess that's just who Joyce was. I was reminded that day about how I have no desire to ever have a funeral, but in stead a celebration of life. It'd be okay if people miss me, but I don't want them to be sad that I'm finally with my Savior.
I will miss Joyce's influence in my life very much, but I am dancing with Joy that she is with the Love of her life, her Savior, her Maker, and now her Husband.